Canada's Most Reliable Parcel Solution​

Our focus is on our customers, locker services and state-of-the-art technology, we are the top smart locker company in Canada. Our advanced technologies bring customers unmatched quality, service and support.
Tapping screen on BlueBox locker
Canadian Brand
80 %
Daily Deposits
0 K+
Quick Installation
0 Days
Low Pricing Hurdle
80 %
BlueBox locker full-set render product photo side view
WHY BlueBox

Forward Thinking Technology

ISO-27001 Certification Badge


BlueBox Smart Lockers developed in Burnaby, BC; are an advanced, easy-to-use product designed to meet the evolving demands driven by online shopping/deliveries. BlueBox provides an easy, secure, contact-free solution to manage overwhelming daily deliveries with fewer staff and resources.

Implementing smart lockers in your facility can be costly. Our pricing model bypasses the initial investment needed to install smart lockers. Contact us for a unique BlueBox pricing plan.


Multi-residential buildings including apartments and condominiums.


Schools, Community centres, government buildings, and more.


Office, Shopping centres, food service and retail locations.

Bluebox smart locker system

More than a set of smart lockers

We are a tech company focused on providing a local and affordable solution superior to the cookie-cutter approach of our competitors.

We are a local Canadian company. This allows us to visit the site, meet clients face-to-face, and install quickly.

Smart Integration

BlueBox Smart Locker System can be integrated with a variety of controllers and management platforms.


We provide a unique business model that assists buildings and facilities to jump over the initial up-front cost hurdle and saves the building money over time.

Customizable Locker System

Bringing Innovation to Technology

Flexibility is our priority; customization is our strength. BlueBox values collaboration; making us a flexible partner to work with.

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Bluebits Awarded BCNET Agreement

BCNET awards Digital Locker Systems Agreement to Bluebits Technologies Bluebits Technologies is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a Master Agreement (non-exclusive) for digital

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BlueBox Locker Solutions

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