BlueBox System Swap Option


BlueBox can Retrofit Into Existing Smart Locker Systems

Recently, Bluebits embarked on addressing the needs of buildings that already have a smart locker system in place but lacked the functionality required to meet the evolving needs of residents.

Our team recognized the importance of providing a seamless and secure experience for users accessing lockers in various settings, including offices, and residential communities. The following are some of the challenges faced by buildings with other smart locker providers:

1. Waiting Forever for Locker Installations: False promises were made regarding the installation and maintenance of the secure storage solution, with some buildings waiting years for their smart parcel locker shipment.

2. Smart Lockers Installed but Unused: The Building’s existing locker system was built on outdated technology, leading to frequent malfunctions and downtime, affecting resident satisfaction. Buildings demanded advanced features such as mobile app integration, and remote management, which the older systems couldn’t provide.

To address these concerns Bluebits created a comprehensive locker system swap option. This allows buildings that would like to switch their current smart locker system and experience the impact of the BlueBox interface on their existing locker hardware including three months of free service. Buildings have the ability to have a dual system for three months with the option to have the original system restored any time before the end of the trial period.

Currently, we have performed many successful system swaps, with plenty more in the works. The BlueBox system’s user-friendly features and reliability led to a substantial increase in resident satisfaction. The upgraded features provided residents with peace of mind, attracting more usage from the system than ever seen before with the old smart locker system.

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